Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross Essay

Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army - Essay Example The recent decades have seen a variety of non-profit organizations arise to participate in the provision of charitable work to the general community. The same field has become an area of concern by researchers and academicians in search for how well these organizations can be productive to the world. The non-profit organizational operations are mostly based on voluntary and are therefore considered as relief provision organizations. Though their operational structures may be similar, major differences are often evident in terms of the organizational structures, leadership styles, and the extent of offering corporate social responsibility among others. The mode of raising funds for such organizations is also mainly done via reliance on external sources, for instance, donor funds, community contributions. The management of the non-profit organizations is also mostly in accordance to the institutional and management theories. The willingness of my company to give away the $200,000 to th e two organizations is dependent on the effectiveness of handling their social responsibility to the community. Thus, research will be useful in the making disbursement decisions. However, though many studies have been conducted in regards to the activities of non-profit organizations, no study has directly related a case study for the two organizations as well as a critical comparison between them. The discussion in this case study report aims at investigating the emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army. ... TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive summary 2 1.0 Introduction 5 2.0 A concise and objective organizational overview 6 2.1 Australian Red Cross 6 2.2 The Australian Salvation Army 9 3.0 Comparative study of the organizations 11 3.1 Comparison 12 3.2 Contrast 13 4.0 Recommendations for distribution of $200,000 14 5.0 Conclusion 15 List of References 16 Emergency help and human services in relation to Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army 1.0 Introduction Emergency assistance and human help entails utilization of non-profit oriented organizations in the meeting of societal urgent needs. The Australian realms have been adequately dominated by a vast array of non-profit organizations, which are inclusive of Australian Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The main purpose of the operation of these organizations includes the performance of charitable activities in the immediate community as a routine. The creation of a compassionate as well as a dignified society is also the divine role of thes e organizations, in a bid to act as complements to the exertion of the public sectors. The effectiveness of these human organizations is dependent upon the level of their corporate social responsibility, as well as their operational scope. The donor organizations that fund such voluntary organizations value corporate social responsibility, thus, my organization desires to disburse the available funds in relation to how each of the two companies handle the immediate society. The structure of an organization also determines the usefulness of efficiency and effectiveness measures in handling the required responsibilities. However, though both of the aforementioned organizations are

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